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Live View

Frigate has different live view options, some of which require restream to be enabled.

Live View Options

Live view options can be selected while viewing the live stream. The options are:

SourceLatencyFrame RateResolutionAudioRequires RestreamOther Limitations
jsmpeglowsame as detect -> fps, capped at 10same as detectnononone
mselownativenativeyes (depends on audio codec)yesnot supported on iOS or Firefox
webrtclowestnativenativeyes (depends on audio codec)yesrequires extra config

WebRTC extra configuration:

webRTC works by creating a websocket connection on extra ports. One of the following is required for webRTC to work:

  • Frigate is run with network_mode: host to support automatic UDP port pass through locally and remotely. See for more details
  • Frigate is run with network_mode: bridge and has:
    • Router setup to forward port 8555 to port 8555 on the frigate device.
    • For local webRTC, you will need to create your own go2rtc config:
listen: ":8555"
- <frigate host ip address>:8555 # <--- enter frigate host IP here
- stun:8555

and pass that config to frigate via docker or frigate-go2rtc.yaml for addon users:

See for more details

- /path/to/your/go2rtc.yaml:/config/frigate-go2rtc.yaml:ro